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How to avoid landing page redirects

How to avoid landing page redirects

Landing page redirects occur when there are more than one redirects between the URL and the target web page.

What are these Landing page redirects?

During the Landing page redirect a request is being sent to the server, which leads to added loading time, thus your priority should be to minimize the number of redirects. The fewer redirects you have, the faster the page is loaded, as it has to jump between less URLs. This is why it is crucial to analyse the website code and optimize your website to get a faster loading time.

Let us give you examples of which redirects are acceptable and which ones are not:

  • Best option: Yourwebsite.com uses responsive design and there are no further redirects.
  • Fair option: Yourwebsite.com is redirected to its mobile version -> m.yourwebsite.com/home
  • Poor option: There are several URL jumps e.g. yourwebsite.com -> www.yourwebsite.com -> m.yourwebsite.com -> m.yourwebsite.com/home.

How to fix these issues

Google is very strict about ranking websites that are not responsive and use multiple redirects, thus your starting point should be to avoid them.

If you follow these simple rules, you should be safe from getting penalised by google and slow loading time:

  • Use HTTP redirects so the users coming from mobile devices were directed straight to the mobile version of the website without having to go through the intermediary URLs.
  • To ensure that the Google bot can detect the mobile web page on the website for PC browsers you should add this tag for those specific mobile pages: <link rel="alternate">.